Etikett: Det okända

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Systrarna Susanna och Charlotta Forsström har under flera år upplevt en övernaturlig aktivitet i sitt barndomshem i Falun. Deras mamma har tidigare stått ut men nu när båda systrarna har flyttat hemifrån har hon börjat bli rädd om kvällarna. Mediet Vendela Cederholm kommer till hennes undsättning.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Säsongsavslutning. Fler andar har visat sig hos familjen Zepeda i Norrköping efter mediet Terry Evans besök. Deras grannar har även berättat om liknande upplevelser och det verkar som att hela bostadsområdet är hemsökt. Terry ber om förstärkning från medierna Lena Ranehag och Vendela Cederholm.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Säsongsavslutning. Mediet Terry Evans besöker Gävles fängelsemuseum. Museets historia sträcker sig ända till 1500-talet och många har berättat om övernaturliga upplevelser innanför murarna. Terry undersöker vad det är för slags andar som hänger kvar i den gamla byggnaden.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Mediet Terry Evans besöker Gävles fängelsemuseum. Museets historia sträcker sig ända till 1500-talet och många har berättat om övernaturliga upplevelser innanför murarna. Terry undersöker vad det är för slags andar som hänger kvar i den gamla byggnaden.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Mediet Camilla Öhrnberg besöker Kent och Maria Hane som bor utanför Ockelbo. De har känt närvaron av någon eller något i sitt hus och när även deras yngsta son började bli orolig bestämde de sig för att försöka få svar. Skepnader har setts svepa omkring och saker byter ofta plats.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Mediet Vendela Cederholm besöker Ann Karlsson som bor i småländska Bälhult tillsammans med sina djur. Ann och hennes dotter Malin som ofta kommer på besök har märkt av flera märkliga fenomen som gör dem illa till mods. Det kan till exempel vara så mycket oväsen på nätterna att Ann inte kan sova.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Del 5 av 8. För nästan tio år sedan hjälpte Det okända och mediet Jörgen Gustafsson familjen Bergenheims i Karlskoga att bli av med sina oinbjudna gäster. Efter flera års lugn upptäckte familjen att de återigen har besökare i huset och Jörgen åker dit.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Del 4 av 8. Mediet Camilla Öhrnberg beger sig hem till Jan-Olof och Ann-Christine utanför Strängnäs. På deras bondgård har flera oförklarliga händelser inträffat och paret oroar sig för att det en dag ska inträffa en olycka med något av djuren.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Del 3 av 8. Mediet Birkan Tore beger sig hem till Ewa och hennes döttrar som bor på en gård utanför Färjestaden. Dottern Lovisa har sett många underliga saker inträffa i huset och dessutom har alla elektroniksaker i hemmet förstörts. Frågan är vilka det är som ligger bakom de mystiska händelserna.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan

There are people who feel that their home is haunted by spirits and ghosts, while others witness strange phenomena and unexplained events. Hostess Caroline Giertz goes along with some of Sweden's most prominent mediums - Jörgen Gustafsson, Terry Evans, Lena Ranehag, Vendela Cederholm and Camilla Öhrnberg who won the Academy Beyond TV4 Plus in the autumn of 2007 - go to visit people in their homes. There, they seek explanations for unexplained phenomena and help the vulnerable who feel that the situation has become unbearable. Additionally you get a look at a mediums normal day. What do they do when they do not help lost souls to cross over to the light? And what do their families say about their professions? During the autumn Det okända visits restaurants, apartments and even an equestrian center, all with one common denominator - they are haunted.

Del 3 av 8. Mediet Birkan Tore beger sig hem till Ewa och hennes döttrar som bor på en gård utanför Färjestaden. Dottern Lovisa har sett många underliga saker inträffa i huset och dessutom har alla elektroniksaker i hemmet förstörts. Frågan är vilka det är som ligger bakom de mystiska händelserna.

Det okända sänds på Sjuan