Etikett: Efterlyst

Efterlyst is a Swedish TV program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Efterlyst has since its start gotten many leads that have led to the arrest of many of Sweden's most noted criminals.

The host, Hasse Aro, was, until the season of 2009, assisted by crime-expert Leif G W Persson. From the 2010 season he is assisted by former State Police Chief Tommy Lindström. Since 2011 he is assisted by Jens Lapidus and Thomas Bodström. In the 2012 season only Thomas Bodström will assist as expert commentator

On 5 February 2014, Aro made his last appearance as host of Efterlyst and were replaced with Robert Aschberg and Jenny Gourman Strid.

Svenskt kriminalmagasin från 2014. I Efterlyst har tittarna möjlighet att hjälpa polisen att lösa ouppklarade brott och även hjälpa polisen att hitta efterlysta kriminella. Under vårsäsongen greps flera grova våldsmän tack vare tittarna, bland annat en misstänkt våldtäktsman som angrep en kvinna i tunnelbanan.

Efterlyst sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Efterlyst is a Swedish TV program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Efterlyst has since its start gotten many leads that have led to the arrest of many of Sweden's most noted criminals.

The host, Hasse Aro, was, until the season of 2009, assisted by crime-expert Leif G W Persson. From the 2010 season he is assisted by former State Police Chief Tommy Lindström. Since 2011 he is assisted by Jens Lapidus and Thomas Bodström. In the 2012 season only Thomas Bodström will assist as expert commentator

On 5 February 2014, Aro made his last appearance as host of Efterlyst and were replaced with Robert Aschberg and Jenny Gourman Strid.

Svenskt kriminalmagasin från 2014. I Efterlyst har tittarna möjlighet att hjälpa polisen att lösa ouppklarade brott och även hjälpa polisen att hitta efterlysta kriminella. Under vårsäsongen greps flera grova våldsmän tack vare tittarna, bland annat en misstänkt våldtäktsman som angrep en kvinna i tunnelbanan.

Efterlyst sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Efterlyst is a Swedish TV program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Efterlyst has since its start gotten many leads that have led to the arrest of many of Sweden's most noted criminals.

The host, Hasse Aro, was, until the season of 2009, assisted by crime-expert Leif G W Persson. From the 2010 season he is assisted by former State Police Chief Tommy Lindström. Since 2011 he is assisted by Jens Lapidus and Thomas Bodström. In the 2012 season only Thomas Bodström will assist as expert commentator

On 5 February 2014, Aro made his last appearance as host of Efterlyst and were replaced with Robert Aschberg and Jenny Gourman Strid.

Sveriges äldsta kommersiella TV-program går in på sin 49:e säsong med Robert Aschberg, Jenny Gourman-Strid och experten Thomas Bodström vid rodret. Efterlyst fortsätter att effektivt lösa brott år efter år. I våras kunde ett flertal vålds- och våldtäktsmän sättas bakom lås och bom tack vare Efterlyst. I flera av fallen anmälde sig gärningsmännen själva till polisen när de insåg att de var identifierade.

Efterlyst sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Efterlyst is a Swedish TV program, equivalent of America's Most Wanted. The show plays security camera footage, reconstructions of crimes, and then takes calls and tips from the Swedish public. Efterlyst has since its start gotten many leads that have led to the arrest of many of Sweden's most noted criminals.

The host, Hasse Aro, was, until the season of 2009, assisted by crime-expert Leif G W Persson. From the 2010 season he is assisted by former State Police Chief Tommy Lindström. Since 2011 he is assisted by Jens Lapidus and Thomas Bodström. In the 2012 season only Thomas Bodström will assist as expert commentator

On 5 February 2014, Aro made his last appearance as host of Efterlyst and were replaced with Robert Aschberg and Jenny Gourman Strid.

Sveriges äldsta kommersiella TV-program går in på sin 49:e säsong med Robert Aschberg, Jenny Gourman-Strid och experten Thomas Bodström vid rodret. Efterlyst fortsätter att effektivt lösa brott år efter år. I våras kunde ett flertal vålds- och våldtäktsmän sättas bakom lås och bom tack vare Efterlyst. I flera av fallen anmälde sig gärningsmännen själva till polisen när de insåg att de var identifierade.

Efterlyst sänds på TV3 | IMDB