Etikett: Nashville

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Rayna är van vid turnélivet när hon upptäcker att Deacon har slagit följe med Juliettes popband som också är på turné. Kan det ha blivit dags att fatta några svåra beslut? Del 12:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Edgehill Records firar framgångarna med ”Wrong Song” genom att arrangera en överdådig fest. Men festen blir pinsam för Juliette, som tar med sig sin mor, och för Rayna, som förföljs av Calista. Del 11:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Rayna och Juliette gör sig klara för sin första arenakonsert i San Diego. Rayna har svårt att jobba utan Deacon och kommer med ett intressant förslag till Liam. Del 10:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Teddy har förskingrat pengar och nu dyker bilder upp som får Rayna att misstänka att han är otrogen. Scarlett erbjuds att bli sångare i ett band, och Gunnar erkänner att han är kär i henne. Del 8:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Rayna och Juliette tvingas att jobba ihop, medan Juliette får problem i sin relation med Sean. Scarlett följer med Gunnar och hans flickvän till stan för att försöka muntra upp sig. Del 7:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Deacon vill ställa vissa krav i förhållandet till Rayna och hon inser att hon måste gå vidare. Juliette handskas med sin mors missbruk, medan konflikten mellan Gunnar och Avery förvärras. Del 5:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

En kvinna från Teddys förflutna återvänder, vilket sätter hans äktenskap på prov. Juliette är med på TV, medan Gunnar kommer väl överens med sin förläggares assistent. Del 4:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Rayna får reda på att hennes familj står på randen till ekonomisk ruin. Juliette kämpar för att få Deacon att skriva musik och åka på turné med henne. Samtidigt återvänder hennes mor. Del 3:22

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Teddys kampanj fortskrider och Rayna måste ta ställning till vissa familjehemligheter som kommer fram under en utredning. Deacon fortsätter att stå på scenen med Rayna, och Scarlett måste välja mellan sin dröm och sitt förhållande till Avery. Del 2:13

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB

Chart-topping Rayna James is a country legend who's had a career any singer would envy, though lately her popularity is starting to wane. Fans still line up to get her autograph, but she's not packing the arenas like she used to. Rayna's record label thinks a concert tour, opening for up-and-comer Juliette Barnes, the young and sexy future of country music, is just what Rayna needs. But scheming Juliette can't wait to steal Rayna's spotlight. Sharing a stage with that disrespectful, untalented, little vixen is the last thing Rayna wants to do, which sets up a power struggle for popularity. Could the undiscovered songwriting talent of Scarlett O'Connor be the key to helping Rayna resurrect her career?

Countrystjärnan Rayna James är bekymrad över sin karriär och reser motvilligt på turné med den populära artisten Juliette Barnes. Samtidigt bestämmer sig Raynas man Teddy för att ställa upp i borgmästarvalet. Del 1:13

  • Connie Britton
  • Hayden Panettiere
  • Clare Bowen
  • Eric Close
  • Charles Esten

Nashville sänds på TV3 | IMDB