Etikett: Our girl

Brittisk dramaserie från 2017. Uppdrag Nepal. I efterskalvets förödelse påbörjar 2:a sektionen en desperat eftersökning när det visar sig att Georgie saknas. Samtidigt sker en kidnappning med kopplingar till en terroristgrupp

Brittisk dramaserie från 2017. Uppdrag Nepal. Georgie och 2:a sektionen skickas till Nepal efter en förödande jordbävning. Hon upptäcker snart att katastrofer tar fram det värsta och det bästa i människor. Förutom sina arbetsuppgifter som sjukvårdare fungerar Georgie som mentor åt Maisie, en färsk rekryt. Hon får också ett speciellt förhållande till Milan, en nepalesisk ingenjör

On the evening of her 18th birthday, Molly Dawes finds herself drunk and is sick in the doorway of an army recruitment office. She looks into the window of the office and sees a life-sized photograph of an army girl, everything that Molly isn't but wants to be - respected.

The following morning, Molly finds herself back in the locale and steels herself sufficiently to go into the recruitment office. Truculent and full of self doubt, she takes the leaflets and is eventually persuaded to complete an aptitude test.

No-one thinks she can stick it out, including herself. But slowly and surely, Molly is maturing and learning to believe in herself. She digs in and finds a strength that she never thought she had

Brittisk dramaserie från 2014. Molly är hemma i England på permission och upptäcker att hennes perspektiv på sig själv och omvärlden har förändrats i grunden. Det är märkbart för hennes familj att de håller på att växa isär.

Our girl sänds på SVT1 | IMDB

On the evening of her 18th birthday, Molly Dawes finds herself drunk and is sick in the doorway of an army recruitment office. She looks into the window of the office and sees a life-sized photograph of an army girl, everything that Molly isn't but wants to be - respected.

The following morning, Molly finds herself back in the locale and steels herself sufficiently to go into the recruitment office. Truculent and full of self doubt, she takes the leaflets and is eventually persuaded to complete an aptitude test.

No-one thinks she can stick it out, including herself. But slowly and surely, Molly is maturing and learning to believe in herself. She digs in and finds a strength that she never thought she had

Brittisk dramaserie från 2014. Molly blir eld och lågor när hon blir utvald till att skickas till Afghanistan som sjukvårdare. Men väl på plats vet hon att hon måste bevisa sin duglighet i den nya plutonen.

Our girl sänds på SVT1 | IMDB

On the evening of her 18th birthday, Molly Dawes finds herself drunk and is sick in the doorway of an army recruitment office. She looks into the window of the office and sees a life-sized photograph of an army girl, everything that Molly isn't but wants to be - respected.

The following morning, Molly finds herself back in the locale and steels herself sufficiently to go into the recruitment office. Truculent and full of self doubt, she takes the leaflets and is eventually persuaded to complete an aptitude test.

No-one thinks she can stick it out, including herself. But slowly and surely, Molly is maturing and learning to believe in herself. She digs in and finds a strength that she never thought she had

Brittisk dramaserie från 2014. Molly och de övriga armérekryterna får i uppgift att skriva ett brev ”från graven” till sina nära och kära. Mollys självförtroende växer under den hårda utbildningen och hemma i Londons East End möter hon sin pappa i en avgörande konfrontation.

Our girl sänds på SVT1 | IMDB

On the evening of her 18th birthday, Molly Dawes finds herself drunk and is sick in the doorway of an army recruitment office. She looks into the window of the office and sees a life-sized photograph of an army girl, everything that Molly isn't but wants to be - respected.

The following morning, Molly finds herself back in the locale and steels herself sufficiently to go into the recruitment office. Truculent and full of self doubt, she takes the leaflets and is eventually persuaded to complete an aptitude test.

No-one thinks she can stick it out, including herself. But slowly and surely, Molly is maturing and learning to believe in herself. She digs in and finds a strength that she never thought she had

Brittisk dramaserie från 2014. På sin 18-års dag bestämmer sig Molly för att förändra sitt liv på ett dramatiskt sätt. Deprimerad över sitt underklassliv och sina framtidsutsikter fattar hon beslutet att ta värvning i armén, trots protester från sin överbeskyddande familj.

Our girl sänds på SVT1 | IMDB