2 1/2 män – Säsong 1 avsnitt 21 (121)

Charlie is a well-to-do bachelor with a house at the beach, a Jaguar in the front, and an easy way with women. His casual Malibu lifestyle is interrupted when his tightly wound brother Alan, who's facing a divorce, and his son Jake, come to live with him. Together, these two and a half men confront the challenges of growing up; finally. Complicating matters are the brothers' self-obsessed, controlling mother, Evelyn, Alan's estranged wife, Judith and Charlie's crazy neighbor Rose, who wants to be a part of his life and is willing to do anything to be around. After the death of his brother, Alan Harper meets and befriends a lonely young man named Walden Schmidt who turns out to be a billionaire. Unable to afford his brother's home, Alan sells Walden the house, and as a way of showing his gratitude, Walden allows Alan and his son Jake to move in with him.

Alan träffar en kvinnlig före detta klasskamrat som, från att ha varit en ful ankunge, vuxit upp till att bli en vacker svan. Men tyvärr verkar hon mer intresserad av Charlie. Men snart visar hon sig vara en mycket arg svan.

  • Charlie Sheen
  • Jon Cryer
  • Angus T Jones
  • Paget Brewster

2 1/2 män sänds på Kanal 9 | IMDB

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