Grimm – Del 3 säsong 1

Remember the fairy tales your parents used to tell you before bedtime? Those weren't stories -- they were warnings. Nick Burkhardt thought he prepared himself for the realities of working as a homicide detective until he started seeing things he couldn't quite explain. When his ailing Aunt Marie arrives, Nick's life turns upside down when she reveals they are descendants of an elite group of hunters, also known as

Nick får reda på mer om sin familjehistoria när han utreder en fruktansvärd händelse i en folkmassa. Han måste tillsammans med Hank skydda en skum karaktär från sitt förflutna, vilket leder till en knepig situation. Del 3:22

  • David Giuntoli
  • Russell Hornsby
  • Bitsie Tulloch
  • Silas Weir Mitchell
  • Sasha Roiz

Grimm sänds på TV6 | IMDB

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