How to Get Away with Murder – .70.

Annalise Keating is a brilliant, charismatic and seductive professor of defense law, who teaches a class called How to Get Away With Murder. Unexpectedly, she and her students end up having to apply practical knowledge from the course when they become entangled in a murder plot that not only shakes the entire university to the core but also changes the course of each of their lives.

Annalise och teamet fokuserar på Rebeccas fall, men domarens beslut tvingar Rebecca att ta saken i egna händer. Det slår gnistor mellan Laurel och Frank, och i tillbakablickar får vi veta mer om Wes och Rebeccas relation.

  • Viola Davis
  • Charlie Weber
  • Karen Cabrera
  • Alfred Enoch

How to Get Away with Murder sänds på Kanal 5 | IMDB

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