In treatment – Del 24 av 35

A therapist (Gabriel Byrne) is the picture of insightful perfection when dealing with his patients, but he becomes a raging ball of issues during his own therapy sessions.

In Treatment is based on a successful Israeli television series and is produced by Closest to the Hole Productions and Leverage Management.

Amerikanskt terapidrama från 2009. Säsong 2. Del 24 av 35. Walter: Femte veckan. Paul drar slutsatsen att Walters beteende på senare tid har inneburit en risk för honom själv. Från 2010. Även i SVT2 senare i natt och SVT2 27/4.

  • Gabriel Byrne
  • John Mahoney

In treatment sänds på SVT2 | IMDB

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