Malmöpolisen – Del 5 av 6 säsong 2012

Now start the Malmö police, a six-part documentary series in which viewers get to follow the people of Malmö and their officers behind the scenes, in Sweden's third largest city. We see a changing city where cobblestones glued, with the murder of a 15-year-old cripple an entire city and the police's input costs are counted in millions. But we also face another town, where people stand up against violence and fighting for their and the city's security, openness and dignity.

The series follows a handful of police officers very close. Each section describes a particular event or phenomenon in the city. In the first episode hits Sweden Democratic Youth and counter-demonstrators assembled in the city square. Viewers can follow the preparations, take place in police piketen and feel how it burns to both the police that the demonstrators' ranks.

- What happens in Malmö affects us all. Our mission has been primarily the documentary portray the police in Malmö, not to review it. Shortly after we started filming escalated violence and we were suddenly behind the scenes when police launched massive efforts to suppress crime. At the same time everyday police work is continuing in the shadow of the headlines says project manager Patrick Bratt.

Svensk dokumentärserie från 2012. Del 5 av 6. Supporterpolisen Gorgin har fått tips om att sk risksupportrar har gjort upp om att slåss på stan. Maria, yttre befäl, har en lugn kväll tills en bil försöker köra över ett par poliskollegor. Äntligen blir vänskapsmatchen i fotboll mellan Malmöpolisen och ungdomar i Seved av. Här är ingen förlorare, alla får guldmedaljer. Under fyra månader har ett filmteam följt Malmöborna och deras poliser i Sveriges tredje största stad. Även i SVT1 30/5, SVT1 31/5 och SVT24 2/6. Textat sid. 199. HD. Visas i SVT Play.

Malmöpolisen sänds på SVT1

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