Etikett: Face Off

Face Off is a competition/elimination series exploring the world of special-effects make-up artists and the unlimited imagination that allows them to create amazing works of living art. The contestants are tasked with elaborate feature challenges including executing full body paint make up on models and creating their own horror villain. Not only will the show incorporate effects make-up, it will include a wide range of skill sets including prosthetics, 3-D design, sculpting, eye enhancers, casting and molding. Each episode involves incredible reveals of the competitors' finished work, and the drama of one contestant being sent home by the panel of expert and celebrity judges. It all culminates in one winner and one grand prize that will launch a career. Face Off is a production of Mission Control Media with Michael Agbabian and Dwight Smith serving as executive producers.

Under en utmaning baserad på den mexikanska högtiden ”De dödas dag” återvänder tidigare deltagare till programmet. De skapar sedan make-up inspirerade av barnteckningar. Del 7:12

Face Off sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Face Off is a competition/elimination series exploring the world of special-effects make-up artists and the unlimited imagination that allows them to create amazing works of living art. The contestants are tasked with elaborate feature challenges including executing full body paint make up on models and creating their own horror villain. Not only will the show incorporate effects make-up, it will include a wide range of skill sets including prosthetics, 3-D design, sculpting, eye enhancers, casting and molding. Each episode involves incredible reveals of the competitors' finished work, and the drama of one contestant being sent home by the panel of expert and celebrity judges. It all culminates in one winner and one grand prize that will launch a career. Face Off is a production of Mission Control Media with Michael Agbabian and Dwight Smith serving as executive producers.

Deltagarna tävlar om immunitet och får sedan reda på att Underlandet har infekterats av zombies. De måste nu göra om den klassiska sagan till Alice i Zombielandet, med levande döda i rollerna. Del 4:12

Face Off sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Face Off is a competition/elimination series exploring the world of special-effects make-up artists and the unlimited imagination that allows them to create amazing works of living art. The contestants are tasked with elaborate feature challenges including executing full body paint make up on models and creating their own horror villain. Not only will the show incorporate effects make-up, it will include a wide range of skill sets including prosthetics, 3-D design, sculpting, eye enhancers, casting and molding. Each episode involves incredible reveals of the competitors' finished work, and the drama of one contestant being sent home by the panel of expert and celebrity judges. It all culminates in one winner and one grand prize that will launch a career. Face Off is a production of Mission Control Media with Michael Agbabian and Dwight Smith serving as executive producers.

Make up-artisterna delas in i lag och får i uppdrag att skapa kinesiska drakar, influerade av sina zodiaktecken. En av deltagarna skadas dock, vilket utesluter hennes lag ur tävlingen. Del 3:12

Face Off sänds på TV6 | IMDB

De hoppfulla make up-artisterna välkomnas till tävlingen av Sean Astin. Efter sitt första uppdrag paras deltagarna ihop för att skapa nya karaktärer baserade på Star Wars-filmerna. Del 1:12

Face Off sänds på TV6

Det är finaldags och make up-artisterna får i uppdrag att skapa tre unika karaktärer inom särskilda genrer: skräck, sci-fi och fantasy. De tre deltagarnas kreationer uppträder därefter på Alex Theatre i Kalifornien. Vem kommer att koras till vi…