Etikett: Family Guy

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Brian får jobb som skribent för ett tonårsmagasin och följer efter Meg för att göra research. Han upptäcker att hon har en hemlig pojkvän som sitter i fängelse. När Brian försöker informera familjen om Megs hemliga liv visar det sig att hennes pojkvän har flytt från fängelset och gömmer sig i familjens hus.

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Peter slår i huvudet och får minnesförlust. Han glömmer allting, inklusive vilka hans vänner och familj är. Lois tar hand om Peter och försöker med alla medel få honom att minnas, tills han börjar flörta med andra kvinnor.

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Peter håller en fantastisk svensexa för Carter som olyckligtvis hamnar i djup koma. Louis får kontroll över familjeföretaget och Peter övertalar henne att låta honom styra det. Peter får storhetsvansinne och ger hela styrelsen sparken. När Carter vaknar inser han att det inte kommer att bli så lätt att ta tillbaka sitt företag.

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Brian dödar en annan hund av misstag, och ingen verkar bry sig. Han försöker därefter övertyga alla om att de borde värdesätta en hunds liv precis som en människas. Samtidigt anställer Lois en hushållerska som inte lyssnar på Peter.

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

När Lois hittar en knöl i bröstet går hon till doktorn för att få det kontrollerat. Som tur är visar proverna att hon är frisk, men doktorn upptäcker i hennes familjs medicinska historia att Lois är judinna. Peter är först nöjd med dessa nyheter, men ändrar åsikt efter ett besök från sin fars spöke.

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Brian och Stewie reser genom alternativa dimensioner med hjälp av en speciell fjärrkontroll. Denna färd tar dem till en postapokalyptisk värld där hundar härskar över människor, och även till Robot Chicken-universum.

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB

Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family. Bumbling Peter and long-suffering Lois have three kids. Stewie (a brilliant but sadistic baby bent on killing his mother and taking over the world), Meg (the oldest, and is the most unpopular girl in town) and Chris (the middle kid, he's not very bright but has a passion for movies). The final member of the family is Brian - a talking dog and much more than a pet, he keeps Stewie in check whilst sipping Martinis and sorting through his own life issues.

Peter får veta att han har levt ett tidigare liv som Griffin Peterson, en förnäm herre som följde med den vackra Lady Redbush från 16-00 talets England för att slå sig ner i den amerikanska kollonin Quahog. Del 16:16

Family Guy sänds på TV6 | IMDB