Etikett: Salamander

Panic starts amongst the victims when safes are hacked in a small private family-bank. Only a small number of high society members are hit. Who ordered this hack? Who wants to disrupt the state? In complete panic the victims decide to conceal the robbery. The bank as well as the ministry of justice decide not to mention anything about it. But what they couldn't foresee was that police inspector Paul Gerardi by coincidence would find out about it. When he wants to investigate the case, he starts playing with his carreer, even his life.

Kungahuset kräver att huvuden ska rulla i affären som håller på att förlama hela landet. Justitieministern presenteras för premiärministerns nye personlige rådgivare, en viss Vincent Noel, en ambitiös ung man som även är Raymond Jonkheres skyddsling. Insatserna höjs och Persigal vet att spelet snart är över, men han lyckas ändå vidarebefordra viktig information till Gerardi.

  • Filip Peeters
  • An Miller
  • Violet Braeckman
  • Jo De Meyere
  • Koen De Bouw

Salamander sänds på SVT2 | IMDB

Panic starts amongst the victims when safes are hacked in a small private family-bank. Only a small number of high society members are hit. Who ordered this hack? Who wants to disrupt the state? In complete panic the victims decide to conceal the robbery. The bank as well as the ministry of justice decide not to mention anything about it. But what they couldn't foresee was that police inspector Paul Gerardi by coincidence would find out about it. When he wants to investigate the case, he starts playing with his carreer, even his life.

Med vetskapen om att bilbomben var avsedd för honom själv, följer Gerardi upp den enda ledtråd han har – Karin Rosenberg, som nu försonats med sin man. Wolfs, mannen bakom bankräden, instruerar Klaus att skicka ut kuvert med graverande bevismaterial till fler Salamander-medlemmar. Resultatet låter inte vänta på sig.

  • Filip Peeters
  • An Miller
  • Violet Braeckman
  • Jo De Meyere
  • Koen De Bouw

Salamander sänds på SVT2 | IMDB

Panic starts amongst the victims when safes are hacked in a small private family-bank. Only a small number of high society members are hit. Who ordered this hack? Who wants to disrupt the state? In complete panic the victims decide to conceal the robbery. The bank as well as the ministry of justice decide not to mention anything about it. But what they couldn't foresee was that police inspector Paul Gerardi by coincidence would find out about it. When he wants to investigate the case, he starts playing with his carreer, even his life.

Gerardi övertalas slutligen till att ansluta sig till P9 med instruktioner att avslöja vilka som låg bakom räden mot Jonkhere Bank. Salamander-gruppen lider ett mindre nederlag i och med inrikesministerns självmord, men man sluter snart upp bakom senator Guy Rasenberg som efterträdare. Varken gruppen eller Rasenberg själv vet om att hans fru förser Gerardi med information.

  • Filip Peeters
  • An Miller
  • Violet Braeckman
  • Jo De Meyere
  • Koen De Bouw

Salamander sänds på SVT2 | IMDB