Skavlan – Del 3 av 12 säsong 2013

Skavlan is a Swedish-Norwegian talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. Many international celebrities have visited Skavlan, including Jay-Z, Vince Vaughn, Shakira and Rihanna.[6] The first season of the show was a ratings success, with a Swedish viewership as high as 1,690,000 for one episode. The second season surpassed the first season as far as ratings were concerned. At the most, the show was seen by 2,925,000 people (Norway and Sweden combined), making the show bigger than The Tonight Show with Conan O' Brien in the United States. On 22 January 2010, the program set a new Norwegian ratings record when 1,248,000 people tuned in.

Lekfullt tävlingsprogram som blandar spontana sånginsatser, musikminnen och spännande artistkonstellationer. I kvällens program tävlar Katrin Sundberg och Tony Irving mot Viktoria Tolstoy och Jessica Andersson. Livemusiken framförs under ledning av kapellmästare Marcos Ubeda.

Skavlan sänds på SVT1

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