Etikett: Elementary

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Del 3 av 24. Sherlock och Watson får i uppdrag att leta reda på Ezra som flytt efter att han läckt hemligstämplad information. Spåren leder dem till en grupp nätaktivister. Watson bestämmer sig för att prova på internetdejting.

  • Jonny Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Jon Hill
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Christian Campbell
  • Ronald Guttman
  • Steve Kazee
  • Susan Pourfar
  • Laura Osnes
  • Pet

Elementary sänds på Sjuan | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Amerikansk kriminaldramaserie från 2013-14. Säsong 2. Avsnitt 1 av 24. Sherlock och Watson åker till London för att hjälpa Scotland Yard att hitta en tidigare kollega till Sherlock. De lyckas hitta mannen och går med på att hjälpa honom att försöka lösa hans senaste fall. Samtidigt upptäcker Sherlock att hans bror flyttat in i hans hus.

  • John Polson
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Rhys Ifans
  • Jon Hill
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Sean Pertwee
  • Rufus Wright
  • Tim McMullan
  • John Owens

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Sherlock och Watson försöker förhindra ett inbrott i ett av USA största kassavalv men en snöstorm som drabbat staden försvårar deras arbete. Sherlock låter en kvinna flytta in hos honom medan hon försöker komma på fötter efter att hennes senaste förhållande tagit slut.

  • Andrew Bernstein
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Jason Tracey

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Watson får sitt första fall. Hon ska undersöka vad som hänt en kvinna som efter att ha lämnat sin make inte har hörts av. Watsons misstankar faller på maken men att bevisa hans skuld blir inte så lätt. Sherlock undersöker ett mord på en tunnbelbanestation.

  • Jerry Levine
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Brian Rodenbeck

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Sherlock tar sig an ett fall där en man misstänker att han avsiktligt blivit smittad med en obotlig sjukdom. Samtidigt skickar han iväg Watson till en suspekt kemtvätt för att se om hon kan lösa ett fall utan hans hjälp.

  • Seith Mann
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Mark Goffman

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Polisen Bell blir beskjuten och spåren leder till en nyligen frisläppt knarkkung som svurit att hämnas på Bell. Sherlock hjälper till med fallet, som tar en oanad vändning när knarkkungen hittas död och Bell blir misstänkt för dådet. Watson får ett oväntat erbjudande av Sherlock.

  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Robert Doherty

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Sherlock hjälper en gammal kollega, som också var den person som var hans langare, att söka efter hans försvunna dotter. Samtidigt som Sherlock kämpar mot frestelsen att ta droger igen visar sig fallet vara en svår nöt att knäcka.

  • Guy Ferland
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • John Hannah
  • Christopher Silber

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

När en seriemördare rymmer från ett sjukhus blir Sherlock tvungen att samarbeta med Kathryn Drummond. De två har ett förflutet men deras vänskap tog slut när Sherlock kände sig sviken av Kathryn. Trots att de inte kommer överrens har de liknande idéer om vad mördarens nästa drag kommer att bli.

  • John Polson
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Kari Matchett
  • Terry Kinney
  • Craig Sweeny
  • Robert Doherty

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

När Sherlock blir suspenderad ägnar han sig åt att reta upp konspirationsteoretiker på nätet. När en av dessa försvinner bestämmer han sig för att undersöka fallet. Det visar sig att mannen omkommit i en mystisk smittningsolycka och Sherlock tittar närmare på offrets konspirationsteori.

  • Christine Moore
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Jeffrey Paul King
  • Craig Sweeny

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB

Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator.

With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.

Holmes och Watson undersöker mordet på en hotellchef. Det finns många misstänkta, allt från hennes make till en grupp prostituerade. Men när de inte hittar något som kan binda de misstänkta till brottet lägger Holmes fram en udda hypotes.

  • John David Coles
  • Jonny Lee Miller
  • Lucy Liu
  • Aidan Quinn
  • Jon Michael Hill
  • Jake Weber
  • Mark Moses
  • Melissa Farman
  • Leigh Ann Larkin
  • Liz Friedman
  • Christopher Silber

Elementary sänds på TV4 | IMDB